Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sunny winter school

It is getting colder day by day as winter is nearing. As the days get shorter, well, days REALLY get shorter!

Let me explain:
In summer, Nepali people get up at 4am and go to bed at 10pm, cause that is when there is light. In winter, they sleep until 6 or 7 and go to bed at 8 or 9. In other words, the day is only as long as the daylight. In a way it is true, as electric light is not always available due to frequent power cuts. For children and teachers that also means that there is less time for homework and preparation, so students and employees at the school requested that we cut the school day shorter. It took some time for us to realize that the day was not always 24 hours long...

But in the end we cut one lesson off the schedule and skipped the teachers' training in the mornings. You would think that 2 hours extra of free time per day would be a thrill but the next request is that we close the school completely over the winter. It is true that most schools have a winter holiday of a couple of weeks, maybe longer if there is no heating facilities in the school, like in ours, because the days can get down to zero degrees. On the other hand, with all the interruptions and delays the school has experienced this year, we think we should try to push everybody to study as much as possible. After all, 10 grade students have the (for them extremely important) SLC (School Leaving Certificate) exams in early spring.

Let's see what we'll do. For now the temperatures are reaching down to 10 degrees, so with proper clothing it is still possible to live through the day.
At lunchtime in the sun it is like a nice Danish summer :-)

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